Moving to Drupal 8
As this blog is pretty much redundant as anything useful in my personal life, and I tend to put updates and interesting things into Facebook (stupid walled gardens!), I am going to use this blog as a means to document some learnings around Drupal 8 and specifically a move from this install of Drupal 6 directly up to Drupal 8.
D6 at last!
Finally got my *rse in gear and have upgraded this stagnant site to Drupal 6, I have disabled the gallery for now as the upgrade was consuming *lots* of memory (eeek). Have switched from the old connections theme to fresh_media for now...
Baby note 1
You can trick/persuade/coerce a baby who only eats when distracted (but is very good at picking up food from the table) into eating better using a simple technique. Rather than giving a whole rice cake break the rice cake up into bits and in the time it takes her to retrieve all the bits and pop them in her mouth you'll have snuck almost half of her dinner into her mouth without so much as a blink. Rinse repeat, dinner done.
Never, ever...
...assume that carrying a baby from her nursery to her bath without a nappy or towel of any kind is a good idea. But just be thankful that you weren't holding her up close at the time, and that hopefully in time no-one will notice the stains.
This blog is sponsored by Stain Devil.
'Blue moon' update
Well my more recent foray back into Drupal has led me to be sitting here at nearly midnight on a Saturday night upgrading my install of Drupal for this site to 5.10 (and Gallery to the latest version). All nice and secure now (gives me that fuzzy feeling - or is that a lingering beer buzz?).
Play music to your unborn child with your iPhone!
The wife and I realised that we should be playing music to our unborn child a bit more, and so sprog would seem to like to boogie. Not needing an excuse to use my iPhone we discovered that propped up the iPhone can play music directly out of the speaker in the bottom into the bump. The first track we played was Hoppipola by Sigur Ros (our wedding song) which went down very well. Lacking any classical music to play I opted for Axel F next...
Jeez it's been a long time since I posted something!
Yikes, talk about infrequent updates! Good job I don't get paid to blog, I'd have been fired a long time ago! Hopefully I'll have some time and inkling to update this site and be more blog friendly. I guess I've gotten too used to tagging and bookmarking interesting stuff and not sharing it with the world anymore. I'll add some feeds from Google Reader and pretty soon.
Smokey and the Bandit lives!
Like a strange followup to my Rendevous post (in a very round about kind of way), this is awesome! Dangerous and stupid, but still awesome!
The Pedal-to-the-Metal, Totally Illegal, Cross-Country Sprint for Glory - Wired Blog
Real Men Love the Fifth Element
An awesome write up to one of my favourite films. If you haven't seen, it shame on you!
Perfect lunchtime reading... (umm lunch right *stomps out the door*)
Another great example of what you can do with Google Maps...
Google Maps/Google Video Mashup of 'Rendezvous' a film by Claude Lelouche Genius.