
Lacking a good title since 1999


Drupal 8: Mystery of missing Body field post migration

Post migration of content from Drupal 6 (using 8.0.4) an odd thing happened!  All the blog body field entries were empty, nothing, nada, zip, zero. After fiddling and faffing with things for a little longer than I am comfortable admitting I went to create a new blog post as a test and then noticed that of course the input formats (aka Text formats) had also been migrated.

Editing the "Filtered HTML" format that was imported threw up this:

Drupal 8: Success! (mostly)

So having fiddled with the migration via drush a little, and having restored the database a few times along the way (thanks drush ard/arr) I now have all my content in D8. Seems like taxonomy terms didn't make it (but vocabularies did).

To get the migration to complete without skipping all the nodes completely I had to apply a patch from Skip the row when we don't recognize the the field type to get nodes working.

Seems like Taxonony terms also need work.

Drupal 8: Starting a fresh

So looking with fresh eyes at my semi working version of D8, which was installed via the web based installer it was clear that something was just fundamentally wrong. So as with so many Drupal based activities it seems logical to turn to drush (you'll need the version that works with drush 8 of course) to save the day!

Moving to Drupal 8

As this blog is pretty much redundant as anything useful in my personal life, and I tend to put updates and interesting things into Facebook (stupid walled gardens!), I am going to use this blog as a means to document some learnings around Drupal 8 and specifically a move from this install of Drupal 6 directly up to Drupal 8.